Francesca Gavin

Francesca Gavin

I think how people spend their money and energy has also shifted. If something doesn’t have an altruistic vein to it, it feels strange.

Francesca Gavin
Interview (2020)

How have you spent your time during quarantine/lockdown?
Dancing – sometimes up to three hours a day learning choreography to online dance classes. My Instagram became a constant feed of ‘hair whips’ and ‘step ball change’. I was also insanely productive.

I wrote a large book on contemporary collage for Gestalten, curated a sticker project to raise funds for NHS charities and launched a magazine LIMBO, a document of this moment where all the profits were split between contributors. It was my first time as a full Editor of a magazine, and me and the team never met in person due to quarantine! We did it all online which was a total first.