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Alexandra Kehayoglou

The first time I saw Alexandra Kehayoglou’s work over the internet, I thought having one of her beautiful and artistic carpets would be like having a garden inside my house. Looking back on it now, this may have been a little too simplistic thinking. That was several years ago, and since then I have always hoped for the opportunity to interview her. Now that this chance has been actualized, when I looked at her recent carpet works once more, I feel they exceed the concept of carpet, and that they are on another dimension that the term evolution cannot sufficiently express. They are bursting with emotion and imbued with the very spirit of the natural world. The awe-inspiring power that emanates from her works is not merely due to their scale or intricacy. The deep thoughts and prayer that have been poured into all stages of creation and the boundless research have given her works a soul that reaches the heart of the viewer. Furthermore, from her answers which she took time to write down, I could not help but feel that her unique and poetic word choice has the same vitality as her creations.
In the meantime, Alexandra looks forward to visiting Japan, I too longingly look forward to the day that I may interact with the energies embedded in her work firsthand.