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Even though our opportunities to meet in Tokyo or Berlin are limited, Serge Rompza and we have known each other for a long time. Though he is supposedly a very busy man, he always has a kind and gentle smile on his face, and never forgets to share kind words in his occasional emails. The first time I interviewed him was not too long after NODE had been established. When I went back to reread that short interview, I was surprised to see that his views and attitude haven’t changed much at all. Maybe it is because of his deep understanding and knowledge of the arts, but NODE’s clients have included many artists and cultural institutions since that time, and now they seem to have developed a deeper and more trusting relationship with this base. Their experience and knowledge have matured, but they are always willing to experiment and refer back to past methods to achieve unexpected results. He stated in this interview that they would like to avoid having a personal style—but that is precisely what you could call their own style.