Francesca Gavin

The dance videos on your Instagram are brilliant! Have you been learning dance for a long time?
I’ve been dancing for about six years, initially going once a week then up to three times a week. I largely do commercial classes, which is essentially learning choreography to pop and RnB songs in trainers or ridiculous stilettos. My hobby went into overdrive in lockdown. I couldn’t leave the house for weeks initially. At the same time, dance teachers around the world started doing classes on Patreon, Zoom and Instagram live. I was doing three or four hours a week, posting things on my Instagram half the time as a record of my progress and also to share the sheer, ridiculous fun of what I was doing. In contrast to the weight of the pandemic, dancing was the ultimate antidote. My mood changes immediately. I think the obvious joy I have also spread to people watching me. I’m clearly an imperfect dancer - and I’m also not a nubile Tiktok teen! But it makes me so happy. I cannot recommend a more positive thing to do at this moment. Without the pandemic, I would never have been able to access the classes outside of a studio. Its incredible that I can now.
Please tell us what candidly what your thoughts were when PAM contacted you to be a part of Positive Messages.
I came on board very early to the PAM project. I felt it was an incredible response to the moment. There was so much fear at the time, and perhaps still is. It provided a total contrast of thinking. A way of viewing the shift as something fundamental and needed and good rather than putting the focus on the growing death and case numbers of the pandemic.