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What are the common senses or elements of other people’s work that you find attractive?
I like when it’s really clear looking at someone’s work what their obsessions are; what does this person dream about, what are they drawn to?
This pandemic has brought about major changes in the world, but what changes are you experiencing in the design/art field?
The most clear change taking place is the newfound appreciation for a healthier work/life balance. Everyone is realizing hustle culture is not all it’s cracked up to be. We’re all tired of having three side projects and no personal life. Many of my friends have stopped monetizing their hobbies and started simply enjoying things for fun again. It’s a very small shift in the grand scheme of things, but quite a fresh mentality to subscribe to for most people.
Please tell us about your future plans and prospects, including your personal hopes.
My toxic trait is probably the fact that I don’t think too far ahead. I love to live one day at a time, and I treat every day like it could be my last. Maybe [it’s] a symptom of the environment I grew up in. My personal hope is simple at the moment— to travel to as many places as possible, meet incredible people around the world and share ideas over good food. If there’s anything the pandemic took from me it would be that, and my goal is to reclaim it as soon as it’s safe to.