| English | Japanese |
Stefano Pilati

I didn’t expect you had maintained your balance through sport. What sports did you enjoy/try at the time?
I went from boxing, rugby, and weight-lifting to cross fit, biking and triathlon. Now, I do biomechanics. I believe intelligence comes from having the mind and body consciousness in balance. I need it as a form of meditation.
During your long career in the luxury market, I would believe that you have gained much knowledge and experience, but what elements from those experiences would you say has the deepest connections to making you into the person who you are today?
Believing in myself and fighting everyone’s expectations were the hardest achievements in a work environment that doesn’t allow you to have the time to doubt on yourself or question the formulas. You can ask my closest friends and you will find them telling you that I haven’t changed in all those years from what I have always been. I am a person of integrity and it shows and showed in my work.