| English | Japanese |
Stefano Pilati

Please tell us the biggest reason why you chose to leave the luxury market? When you looked at the fashion world you had been a part of for so long from the outside, how did it look to you? Also, how did the rest of the world outside of fashion feel to you?
I wanted fashion that would be fair to the target audience I am aiming for. The fashion world seemed obsolete and irrelevant from the outside; and the world itself was a very lonely place to navigate.
At that time, you relocated to Berlin. Why did you choose Berlin?
For its anti-conformism.
I have heard that you were inspired by the club scene in Berlin, but could you share frankly how you felt about those circles and places? Also, are any of the encounters or inspiration that you gained from there are being used by you in the present?
I had never been able to enjoy going to clubs because I have always been working starting from 17 years old. So, the club scene in Berlin was a total discovery and very authentic. Sharing time, dancing, meeting, talking, and observing the younger generations was and still is very refreshing and stimulating. I do not create with formulas that can be explained as inspirations. I would rather say that everything that stimulates me I translate naturally into my fashion.
To return to the fashion industry, and to start activities as a solo designer must have required considerable determination. What was it that propelled you to action at the time?
I couldn’t help myself admitting that I love fashion and I love my job. Many fans and followers pushed me to come back into it.