| English | Japanese |
Stefano Pilati

What sort of person do you imagine wears Random Identities, and in what sense would you like them to wear the brand?
A person with taste, no doubts. To me taste is everything: culture, education, manners, quality, uniqueness.
I see. I’ve seen your photos recently, and you had such a refined tasty appearance. This “taste” that you speak of, do you think that it’s something that can only be obtained through having continued aspirations to learn more, or having a special type of perception?
Taste and style are never-ending journeys to refine not in an aspirational way but as daily practices. They go hand in hand with the discovery of who you are and therefore how you accept, love and project to others your truest self. Without integrity also in the way I look, I won’t be able to like myself fully and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I show my mood through what I wear too. I believe there is no time to aspire in being someone rather than just being yourself, inside and out.
As a fashion designer, is there a philosophy that you have maintained consistently through your work from the start, and could you also tell us of any changes in your consciousness due to experience you have gained? 
Fashion and especially style, are something you learn and refine every day. To have no limits in my learning process, and questioning myself in order to achieve my honest being I have learned it will show in my designs and I care about this form of integrity.