| English | Japanese |
Stefano Pilati

It is really apparent that you place great value upon being authentic in your work and to yourself. But there are perhaps times for anyone where it’s difficult to face yourself and be honest. Have you ever had the experience of losing sight of your true self, or couldn’t understand what your heart really was?
I did lose sight every time I was trying to respond to other people expectations. To work under pressure in a corporate environment gives you the awareness that the responsibility you take includes to learning the “rules of the game”. Total creative freedom is an achievement that creative people, like me, for the good or the bad, have to accept to depends on other people’s consideration and recognition. The artist is in the viewer.
Fashion/clothing puts together a person to complete them. As such, are there expressions that are only permitted as a fashion designer, and, if there are expressions that are only achievable as a fashion designer, what do you think those are?
Anyone should learn to feel at their best. I am a fashion designer here to support that attitude suggesting clothes to help that process of loving and respecting oneself. So, no, to me there are no differences.
It’s said that fashion reflects the times while changing alongside them. As a fashion designer, how do you regard the times of the present day?
How could I avoid to feel what’s going on around me? I have learned to avoid being cynical about my times and fashion, but it’s an effort, a conscious act of detachment from the treadmill of consumption, tokenism and toxic propaganda.