| English | Japanese |
Radim Peško

What have you gained from the exhibitions you have participated in?
It seems healthy to step back and look at work and the profession a bit more broadly, which is what exhibitions allow you. For example, co-curating two editions of Brno Biennial (26th/2014, 27th/2016) was not only a chance to present to the public what graphic design is, but more importantly, what it could be. And selfishly, exhibitions provide an excellent reason to get out of the studio and meet colleagues and friends in person.
You have taught in several institutions, what do you think is the most important thing to convey to design students? Also, what is the most memorable thing you have learnt from them?
I am interested in that journey where the ideas, work and conversations take you to a place where none of us would have arrived individually. It is always exciting.