| English | Japanese |
Susumu Mukai

How has this pandemic changed your consciousness and way of thinking?
I think that it has become more concentrated now because it is difficult to plan ahead. Future events may be canceled at any time or may be held. That is why I do not have much expectation or worry as well.
What kind of changes in the fields of music and art do you see in the future? Please tell us your vision.
Personally, I hope to work on recording and illustration rather than live events. I think this is an era of change on a global scale. It is up to us what direction we go, for better or worse, and I think it is better to go in a direction with love, in an instinctive direction on an individual level without being swept away by outside influences. I feel that because of recent world events there are new and interesting music, art, and counterculture that will be born and guide our world.

Translation to English: Anthony Hitoshi Miller