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Update: 7th Sep. 2021

The Head
curated by Francesca Gavin
at The Stand

The online auction, The Head, will start from 9 September on the new visionary platform The Stand, which has merged art and philanthropy. As the title indicates, the works offered by the twenty-one artists pertain to the human head.

The Stand is a digital platform newly launched in May of this year, with the goal of encouraging a fairer world. Auctions hosted on the platform see the majority of the hammer price paid directly to the artist and their gallery or agent, 20% to partner charities that the artist choices and 10% is applied to costs at The Stand. By having the collectors properly understand the artist’s creativity, and by taking a transparent and accurate approach towards cash flow, they have created a beneficial environment that brings high quality works to auction. Furthermore, by taking the form of investment in societal impact, they accomplish two of their goals; not only are the artists supported, but also the charitable institutions the artists champion receive support at the same time. Inviting visionary guest curators, The Stand plans to offer ten to twelve auctions per year hereafter.  

The Head of a Philosopher
By User: Salli - Scanned from my own old work,
Public Domain
Francesca Gavin who was interviewed in the first issue of this magazine has undertaken the curation for The Head, the second auction hosted at The Stand. For this project, Gavin has noted that she was inspired by the bronze sculpture The Head of a Philosopher found in a shipwreck off the Strait of Messina in 1969. This bronze which was lost to the seas in the 5th century is interpreted to be the head of a philosopher due to it being found with fragments of a mantle and a hand. The sculpture has a full curly beard but is missing its laurel wreath and the back of the head, and its left eye is an empty hole. Thoughtful, beautiful, battered and ruined—the bronze is an apt metaphor for interpretations of the head found in contemporary art, and Gavin used the sculpture as reference for the selection of the artists to compose the auction.

Gavin explains: “I think that the current fascination with the head comes from an extended interest in our feelings of fragmentation to our own bodies; I think this is about the wake of technology and its effects on the human body. I am very conscious that we see ourselves as disembodied… Desire is very much intertwined with the idea of the body in parts, but the head in particular is an incredibly ancient symbol of thought, philosophy, intelligence… the mind”

In sculpture and painting from Ancient Egypt, China, and Hellenistic painting and sculpture, the depiction of the head is one of the oldest symbols in art history, and is profoundly interwoven with the ideas of power, politics, beauty, class, and intimacy. This auction focuses upon how contemporary artists depict the human head, and how this reflects upon the changes in society, philosophy, psychology and art itself.

Works offered range from Matthias Bitzer’s new pieceThe Curious Being, busts from Steven Claydon which were exhibited on the High Line in NY, a print from the new media pioneer Lynn Hershman Leeson, and a painting from Michael Fullerton who created the portrait of Paris Hilton’s sperm donor. Naturally, the unique viewpoint surrounding how the human head has been interpreted in the arts as well as this exciting lineup could only come from Gavin, who has spent the past fifteen years working with the rising stars who illuminate the contemporary art world. Additionally, through her curation and themes, we are led to an even deeper understanding of the artists and their creations.

Estimated value of the works to be listed range from £2,000 to £35,000. As the auction will be held online, participation is open to anyone worldwide, and the catalogue will be accessible to the public starting from 6 September on The Stand’s website. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to come in contact with the intrigue and curiosity held by contemporary artists toward the “head”.

The Head
Catalogue viewable 6 to 14 September 2021
Auction live 9 to 14 September 2021

The Stand

Francesca Gavin

Artist: David Noonan
Description: Silk screen on linen collage. AP 2/2 (edition of 3 + 2 AP)
Dimensions: 72.5 x 57.5 x 6.5 cm. 28 1/2 x 22 5/8 x 2 1/2 in.
Provenance: Origami, Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, Belgium. 01 March, 2012 — 31 March, 2012
Estimate: £4,000 – £6,000
Courtesy of the artist


Caminos y Capas / A Path Through the Layers 
Artist: Shary Boyle and Lido Pimenta
Description: Porcelaine, underglaze, acrylic gouache, goldenleaf
Dimensions: 46T x 33W x 25D cm.
Estimates: £16,000 – £18,000
Credit and courtesy of the artists


Kristin Scott Thomas Study II
Artist: Jonathan Yeo
Description: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 38.3 cm. x 30.8 cm.
Estimate: £30,000 – £40,000
Credit and courtesy of the artist


Before: Baste on Narration
(Carmine Lake 2015)
Artist: Appau Junior Boakye-Yiadom
Description: C-type print. Edition of 3 + 1AP, this work being the AP
Dimensions: 81.5 x 53.9 cm.
Estimate: £2,000 – £2,500
Credit and courtesy of the artist


Missing Person Born 2019
Artist: Lynn Hershman Leeson
Description: Archival digital print from Generative.Photos. Edition of 5 plus I AP. This artwork is a photographic portrait made from constantly moving AI composites between multiple faces, without locatable sources, that Lynn purchased online through Generative.Photos. This program generates composite identities that are used for advertising, are never duplicated, and aim to be flawless. The numbers on the portrait point to flaws in the face – wrinkles – that should be “killed” or replaced by more youthful features within the program.
Dimensions: 30 × 30 in. (76.20 × 76.20 cm.)
Estimate: £18,000 – £20,000
Courtesy of the artist  


Suspecting Suspects 
Artist: Peter Funch
Description: Digital C Print, Mounted on Sintra and Framed. Edition of 5 + 2AP. This work is 2/5.
Dimensions: 58.5 x 129 cm.
Estimate: £3,000 – £5,000
Credit and courtesy of the artist


Paris Hilton’s Sperm Donor (Dalofaelid Phenotype)
Artist: Michael Fullerton
Description: Oil on linen. In 2019 after splitting up with her boyfriend, American socialite Paris Hilton (b.1981) announced that she was looking for a sperm donor with “good looks, high IQ, and from a good family” i.e. good breeding material. This is a portrait of that imaginary person, but the source image is actually of her ex boyfriend, Chris Zylka.
Dimensions: 60 x 45 cm.
Estimate: £15,000 – £20,000
Image appears courtesy of the artist and Kendall Koppe, Glasgow.
Photography: Patrick Jameson

The Curious Being 
Artist: Matthias Bitzer
Description: Acrylic, ink, pingpong, pin, tip, coin
Dimensions: 184 x 164 cm.
Estimate: £32,000 – £38,000
Credit and courtesy of the artist

Hanging Light 
Artist: Hannah Bays
Description: Oil on canvas, wood frame
Dimensions: 53.3 x 43.3 cm.
Estimate: £2,000 – £2,500
Courtesy of the artist


Artist: Luke Rudolf
Description: Acrylic, sand and marble dust on canvas
Dimensions: 120 x 110 cm.
Estimate: £8,000 – £10,000
Credit and Courtesy of the artist


Kidman Bust (Trixie)
Artist: Mike Bouchet
Description: Ceramic, automotive Lacquer, fiberglass paste. For this artwork, the artist produced a bust of Nicole Kidman working with the sculptor in residence of the Cathedral of Guadalajara, Mexico. A negative form was produced of the original clay model, and then cast in ceramic. The fired ceramic object was then painted with automotive lacquer. After this, the artist packed the painted ceramic bust in bubble wrap, and deliberately dropped it on the ground. The artist then personally glued the pieces of the broken ceramic back together and filled the interior of the bust with fibreglass and polyester construction foam to permanently secure its final form.
Dimensions: 30 x 50 x 30 cm.
Courtesy of the artist


Unlimiteds and Limiters (Lustre) 
Artist: Steve Claydon
Description: Polymer-ceramic mix, chemically chromed lustre, laminated wood
Dimensions: Bust: 65 x 50 x 30 cm. Plinth: 30 x 30 x 110 cm.
Estimate: £12,000 – £14,000
Courtesy of the artist


Portrait (Kilim)
Artist: Aleksandra Domanovic
Description: Inkjet print and wooden frame. Unique + AP (#1/1). Domanovic’s Portrait series of computer-generated renderings depicting a “re-gendered” Josip Broz Tito, the former Yugoslav autocrat is composed of found portraits that have been turned into digital 3-D busts and manipulated to make the facial features of Tito, the masculine personification of nation-building, slightly more ‘feminine’. The image speaks to the discrepancy between the weight of history we might attach to a face , and our ability to easily re-create or distort it. With ‘Portrait (Kilim)’ (2012), Domanovic has texturized the surface to resemble the weave of a Balkan kilim – a woven tapestry found throughout the region, and a typically female craft.
Dimensions: 190 x 137 cm.
Estimate: £10,000 – £15,000
Credit and courtesy of the artist


All images © of their respective owners.