| English | Japanese |


Issue 3:
Things change (but not all)

In the last two years, the world has been faced with major change. This sudden change brings feelings of uneasiness and discomfort; however, the times are always and transforming in the first place. If this is inevitable, it is unreasonable to cling to one age. And therefore, one should avoid being stubborn. We need keep open minds, avoid just following trends, and we need philosophies within ourselves. But the real question is how to find those philosophies.
In this issue, with the theme of “Things change (but not all)”, we asked each artist about the paths and turning points in their lives and followed the transition with their work. However, after looking at the big picture, what stood out was not the things that change, but rather the things that did not change. Of course, various changes can be seen in the process of accumulating experience and the gaining of knowledge, but there are unchanging things that exist at their core. This is the essence of that person and is a person’s natural form.
Only in the middle of change, things that remain unchanged are illuminated, and because of these unchanging ideals we can accept new change. If so, in this age of change, we are presented with the opportunity to find the things that do not change within us. If one can recognize their own natural form even vaguely, one’s own philosophy might come into view.

Translation to English: Anthony Hitoshi Miller

Nigh Magazine