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We’re sure there’s more than a few designers who were influenced and inspired by the pages you did for +81 in those days. How do you feel about your handiwork in hindsight?
When I look back at what I did now I can’t help but feel embarrassed. I don’t see anything good in it at all. +81 was very much an independent magazine back then with none of the recognition it has now, to the point that it was just barely lucky enough to find shelf space in major bookstores. We’re also of course talking about when there was no social media, when even e-mail was just barely catching on, so I really had no clue what the world thought of my work or what the readers were saying. The +81 editorial office consisted of only three people: Satoru Yamashita, the owner, Hachiga as the editor, and me as the designer. My PC, monitor, and printer were also all my own that I had brought in. All I did was work, just a succession of going into the office and heading back home, day after day. I also had to take the photos or film video if I went along on interviews overseas, not to mention foot my own travel expenses, which made all my design pay vanish with a poof. And yet when I think back on it all now, we really did make a great team.

Photo 1999