
I believe that you have known of PAM for some time, but after actually collaborating with them, do you have any new impressions of them or their creations?
I first learned of PAM over ten years ago. I’m a fan of their label, PAM BOOKS, and I collect them. I went to their exhibition in a shop in the basement of PARCO Part2. I had the impression that they were interesting and strange, and even now, that impression is unchanged.
So, what’s the common thread between you and their creations?
I spoke with Misha about this—we use computers to make graphics but many of the motifs we use come from nature. I love stones, I use the ones I find in the forest as a design resource; and they also use the sky, or the sea and water as their motifs. I think that we are connected by this interest in nature. Sentiments such as these are close.