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Do you think you will make any new series in addition to updating your old ones?
I’d like to think I will, but oftentimes when I create something even I don’t have a clear idea of where it will go. Burst Helvetica is one example of this. At first no one seemed to understand what I was going for and, to be honest, I hadn’t thought that deeply about it when I made it. But I was later able to systemize it, and then even came to realize that this system could be used to present foreign languages, accents, and other forms of communication that sound like noise in a way that stirs emotion. I already had the original draft of my Black series that appeared on the cover of +81 Vol. 83 finished back in 2008, and when I initially showed it at a friend’s group exhibition the reaction was pretty middling. But then over a decade later I was able to restart it thanks to things like being contacted by the Toulouse National Theater in France about using a piece of this series, as well as a proposal from and collaboration with the publisher Goliga. So there’ve been more than a few instances where I’ve had projects come alive again some time later down the road.