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Nigh Magazine
Issue 2


Unless there is a specific direction for the interview, often I start asking artists and designers about their background. What kind of childhood did they have, what were their passions during their youth, and what kind of music or pieces of art continues to influence them to the date? Although some feel reluctant to talk about their past, the majority are willing to share their memories and stories in vivid detail.
By hearing a little of their backstory, an image of the artist begins to develop, and I unconsciously project my feelings to overlap with the artist’s background. Despite growing up in different environments, this will deepen our interest and help me understand what they are trying to convey. Although the focus of an interview is about their current views and thoughts, when you ask the simple questions of “how” and “why,” the answers always lie in their past. The person in front of you did not just appear out of nowhere.

With the theme “The Days till Now” this issue focuses on unique artists in different fields and tries to find out what formed their ideas and how. What happens when I ask the same questions to myself? There is no easy answer to any of them. Despite having many experiences and feelings, I have often left them not defined. Not everything can be described with words, but nevertheless, still I should try to express myself. Once I do this, it can be recognized by myself and others. Just vague thinking without expression means nothing, and this is the same for art and ideas.
It is tedious to answer questions about oneself in our own words. First, you must face yourself. And not only your current self, but the past as well. Whether it is a fact or an opinion, the deeper the feeling gets the harder it is to translate into words.  However, the artists that were interviewed, undertook this difficult task with the utmost sincerity. They express their true emotions inside them, by not only in what they say, but each in different unique ways.

I am afraid this became too long and rambling, but I wrote it honestly. I hope it was not too vague, but I cannot even begin to express the feeling of gratitude for the artists who took the time to respond to my interview, this alone is clear to me. But my true thank you cannot be expressed with just words.

Nigh Magazine
Nahoko Mori