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Kosuke Okahara

Photographer from Tokyo, born in 1980. Graduated from Waseda University, and left WITS University graduate program during his studies in South Africa. In 2009, he was the first Japanese person to be selected for the Joop Swart Masterclass comprised of twelve upcoming photographers chosen by the World Press Photo Foundation. He was also selected as one of thirty upcoming young photographers in the world by Photo District News. Afterwards, he has received accolades including the W. Eugene Smith Fellowship, the Getty Grant, the Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Grant and more. He has published six photobooks to date. Vigorous in his creation of artbooks, the artbook of his chronicle of the leprosy villages in China, Vanishing Existence, was shown at an exhibition at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, and was added to the permanent collection of the institution. For 100 Years of Leica Photography, he was one of the few Japanese photographers chosen and his works were shown worldwide. His works are on display at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Quai Branley Museum, C/O Berlin, as well as other institutions and art-fairs internationally. Moved to France in 2008 where he was active until his return to Japan in 2018, where he is now active in Kyoto. His film composed entirely of photographs, blue affair, was selected for the LABO Competition for experimental film at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, and the same piece won the Special Jury Mention for short film at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival. He continues explore the physical/mental space in which people exist as the main theme in his photography.

Nigh Magazine
Issue 3: Things change (but not all)

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