As everyone knows, P.A.M. is one fashion brand, but beyond that it’s Misha and Shauna themselves, what you could call an organic creation between the two of them that creates matters, debates issues and sends out messages, reverberates with feeling and continues to change. The origins of P.A.M. are in the special relationship that brought them together in an instant more than 20 years ago. In Japanese, there is an old turn of phrase―“the red thread of fate”― that speaks of how two soulmates are united together no matter the circumstances, and I cannot help to think that’s exactly what their meeting was. This interview in which I strongly realized this, centered around their project Positive Messages ― which was brought into existence by P.A.M.’s attitude to share as much good as possible― started from autumn last year. In the repeated email interviews spreading into the new year, they both responded candidly about their current thoughts and their intentions without any hesitation. Also, in the snapshots taken during lockdown that they sent to us, Melbourne’s beautiful natural world along with their precious moments had been captured, and that could be taken as yet another Positive Message from them.