Online magazine: Interview with creatives

Issue 1

The Dawn of a New Age

via Positive Messages

Nigh Magazine
As society progresses, diving wholeheartedly into something tends to viewed as a nuisance. Since things have increasingly become more convenient to reduce people’s labor as much as possible, this is no surprise. However, it’s best not to so easily begrudge seeing, listening, reading, questioning, seeking, touching, feeling, imagining, and thinking. Should you do so, then your own intuition becomes untrustworthy. It will be swayed by other’s criteria, and will be led astray by the waves of superficial information.

Perhaps the values we hold in high esteem are determined by some other person’s sense of value. As a matter of fact, the world is full of the unknown.

Not only at the surface level but knowing the background of people, things, and events, and to be strongly moved through your own heart, how deeply rich the world will be. Following context by relying only on sincere interest, by coming in touch with the source, how free your awakening will be. Nigh Magazine is the online magazine originating from that line of thought. Without regard to generation or region, and free from the influence of society’s appraisals, we seek to draw out talent and matters that should be appreciated and thoughtfully explore them. And, for the reader, we hope that you can discover your true nature, and you will connect with new values and your own original interpretation.

The Dawn of a New Age is Nigh.

Issue 1

Introduction of this issue.


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